#metpolice Male Officers: Outlived Their Usefulness | Future Is Female | Future Is Simp

1 year ago

It's the nature of men and women.
There will be attraction. There will be exploitation. That is why you need to seperate the genders in order to keep the society functioning.

Taking women out of the home resulted in Elderly care homes on the rise. with no carers to help them. Children getting sexually exploited in schools and mental breakdown. Taken into Care.

Male police officers picking up the pieces then ending up in trouble themselves. No wife or gf at home.

Sending women to work is the most effective way of destroying society and because the Jews APPLY interest money to money we own. or will need to owe them. Cost of living crisis. They own the women now too and tell them what they can and should do.

If you want a Free Quran and change your life away from all of this evil. DM me or go to a local Masjid.

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