Richard Vobes on Andrew Bridgen Suicidal BS after his speech on DANGERS OF MRNA GENE THERAPY & DEATHS!

2 years ago

Richard Vobes on a more serious note.

Andrew Bridgen stood up with the TRUTH on MRNA gene therapy booster, efficacy & deaths, with full factual evidence but the MPs present at the House of Commons ALL WALKED OUT!?

Following this a statement was put out claiming Andrew Bridgen is suicidal? This Andrew Bridgen has refuted as a lie but we all know how the elite play the game by now and we could list many that this tactic has been used on to take them out and they are then found dead! This type of murder is nothing new but it has worked for this killing machine for years. It is time to get behind these heroic people who are defending our rights and STOP this NONSENSE as Vobesy is saying. Big up Vobesy.

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