Grizzly on the Hunt With Shalyn Rodgers! True Crime Cases!

1 year ago

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03-17 -23 at 6:00PM EST TIME! Grizzly on the hunt along with Shalyn Rodgers returns to The Paranormal and True Crimes Show! Real People! Real Stories! Real Facts!

We will be covering two different cases that are still be spoken about. You have to tune in and find out! This is going to be interesting

Everyone please welcome Shalyn Rodgers, but most people call her Sha for short. Sha states that I knew at a very young age that I wanted to help people after witnessing the traumatic death of my grandpa, but it was the comfort I felt later that night when he returned.

The compassion in his eyes and gentle toe tug is now the last memory of him, as I’m sure that was his intention. That led me to the medical field where I excelled at for 23 years and absolutely loved.

In 2021, I suffered a serious condition that led to a permanent spinal cord injury, other conditions and deficits. I was told I would not be able to work and that was a bigger blow than my actual health. Since some of them will continue to progress rapidly if I even tried, I had to comes to terms with the harsh reality I was facing.

One thing still remained within me... the need to help someone in someway somehow!
A year prior to this event, I became an administrator for 2 national missing sites. I decided to become involved because I lost a child myself.

It wasn’t a missing situation, but knowing there are families out there who have missing or murdered loved ones hurts my heart. Being part of something that could lead to a reunion, justice or closure to the families is important to me. Good people doing good things make a difference!
I look forward to being part of this wonderful journey! I prefer that people get to know me through conversations, actions, and attributes over a description of words. I’m easy going and an open book, feel free to ask anything.

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