Episode #73: What's the Difference between BTC and CBDC

1 year ago

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Credit Suisse- 2nd largest Bank in Switzerland. It is to big to fail
credit default swaps off the charts which means betting the bank will fail.
Saudi Arabia Government 10 percent holder of CS says no more.

Will people question banks and go to BTC or Embrace a CBDC? Whats the difference between them?

HSBC acquires SVB of UK for £1 !

All depositors were made whole not investors so it wasn't a bail out ;)
Will SVB USA become nationalized? Time will tell.
Will more regional Banks fail?

Coinbase to delist six Ethereum based altcoins-Rally, DFI Money YFII, Mirror, OMG Network, Loom and Augur-March 29th is the date
Could be Centralization, Regulation is coming, Could be labeled security

World ID launched this week. Co-founded by Sam Altman who also co-founded OpenAI. Bringing Global proof of personhood to the internet. *global digital passport
Want to go to London next year from the USA you will need some form of a digital ID.

"The ORB" an iris imaging device. Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Polygon Partners with Unstoppable Domains!
“.polygon” domains- create digital identities that are compatible across 750 applications, games and metaverse platforms. Log in to web apps, such as cryptocurrency wallet addresses and decentralized websites.

Unstoppable Domains also allows users to create profiles that can be connected to social media channels and act as a digital identity across Web3 platforms and networks.
Digital IDs are Coming...

Remember Data is king in the new world so protect yours....



This content is being offered for your consideration only. Lean into the information shared here, and take what resonates. We each have our own way and we are not financial advisors. Do your own research.

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