How to Play Piano: Day 1 - EASY First Lesson for Beginners

1 year ago

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Welcome to Lesson number 1 in this how to play piano for beginner’s series (woohoo!!)

Today I'm going to take you from Zero piano experience, step-by-step to actually learning your first real song on piano fast, All in one lesson.

And along the way, you're going to learn the note names, some basic fundamentals, how to play with both hands at the same time, AND some tips to learn piano faster. All in one lesson, you don’t need 7 days, or a month, or a year. You’re going to learn a song TODAY.

And trust me... the song we're going to learn at the end LOOKS really impressive to your friends and family even though it's actually ridiculously easy to play.

And like always there's gonna be a simple cheat sheet that diagrams everything out so easy a kindergartener could learn it.

And lastly, make sure you stick around to the end to learn the BIGGEST beginner mistake - TRUST me, you do NOT want to make this mistake, it can add YEARS to your learning time.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

00:00 Intro
00:41 Easy Way to Learn the Note Names
02:32 Basic Hand Position
03:03 Learning a Basic Pattern
07:43 Expanding the Pattern
09:31 Learning an Easy-But-Impressive Song
11:28 BIGGEST Beginner Mistake [IMPORTANT]

Make sure you stick around to the end - trust me you don’t want to drill in bad habits that can be an absolute nightmare to correct in the future…

Oh and by the way, this is the first step to learn even if later down the road you want to learn to play by ear.

And if you’re a complete beginner, no worries, it’s intentionally explained for beginners, and we take absolute baby steps tot make sure you’ll get it frustration-free. Don’t forget to download the Cheat Sheet to make it even easier:

1. Go here:
2. Sign Up with your name and email (yes, it’s really free lol)
3. Get your cheat sheet!

Happy practicing!!


1. 3 Easy-Yet-Beautiful Chord Progressions Every Beginner Should Know (Beginner)

2. Ultimate Guide to Piano Chords (Beginner)

3. BADASS Dark Chord Progression You Can Use Today (Advanced)

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Thanks for watching and subscribe if you want more online piano lessons and tutorials!

-Zach Evans

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