I will create a professional looking lyric video for your song

1 year ago



About This Gig
Hey there! My name is Kyel, a motion graphics designer and most importantly a musician, from Argentina. I have worked with more than 500 artists worldwide, guaranteeing satisfaction.

I will deliver to you a top notch quality and ready-to-upload lyric video for your song. I do not use templates, because each song represents something different. I'm also a musician and I know how important is for our music to be visibly great, so I will make my best effort to get that result!

In all packages I offer Full HD video and revisions, even if you select the $30 plan. I also offer extras such as using kinetic typography, and cinematic cut.

I'd love to hear your ideas for the video, and the style you want to get! We will work together to get you a product you're proud of! (Note: For background related questions go to FAQ)

If you have any doubt, please contact me before placing the order. I'm also open to offer custom offers that suit your projects so let's chat, I'll usually reply within minutes.

If you choose to work with me, I'll always be in touch with you and we'll work together until you get a product you like!

Let's work together, from a musician to another one!

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