"The Dave Emmons Show with, Mike Emery and Tom Althouse."

1 year ago

On this episode of "The Dave Emmons Show," recorded on 3-15-23, my guests are Tom Althouse and Mike Emery. We have a three-way panel of scientific discussion and movie script versions of science. First, Mike discusses the actual beginnings of human life over the past 3 million years. Next, he speaks about Archons, our evil molecular bugs, and the Anu in the Aethers that make up love particles in every living cell. Next, Mike discusses the Orgone Bubble Tech, layers of consciousness, and that our lives are a giant movie all humans manifested. Finally, Tom Althouse, who has been with me on several shows as a co-host, speaks about the "Immortals" he wrote the screenplay for that movie script, and it was taken from him and made into "The Matrix" movie by corrupt Hollywood. Tom discusses his past with Disney World, Pat Robinson, and being a script doctor in Hollywood. Tom also discloses some facts about the Cabal and their workings. Mike and Tom share the same ideas about most of what we discussed about the Matrix and, as Mike says, the "shit show" we live in now after leaving a euphoric (purple) environment because it was boring. Tom knew about how the matrix was comprised before anybody knew anything about it. This is exciting show to hear these two compare notes on science and reality. Mike is a scientist in physics with a bachelor's degree from Montana State, was raised in Montana, and now lives in the UK. Mike is an inventor and businessman currently involved in Bubble Tech technology. Mike ranks in the top 1% of the www.academia.edu community. Tom is an author, screenplay writer, actor, musician, documentary producer, and witness to the Cabal. He was the actual author of the Matrix movie and has court documents to show he fought Hollywood.

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