HOMIEZ - Shaoline Style

2 years ago


HOMIEZ - Shaoline Style (ENGLISH)

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20 Feb
Subscribe to HOMIEZ (LASCARS): -- YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/user/LascarsMi...
-- FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/LascarsLaSerie

Lascars is street culture: hip hop, rap, graffiti and the D system. The series stages, with humor and self-mockery, the adventures of young people from the city, their "culture of the valve", of clash, "fighting looks", and "big mytho" (not to mention the problems of lack of cigarettes). We are far from the stories of young people from the suburbs which refer to the miserable image conveyed until then by the media. Les Lascars are full of humor, energy and self-mockery. Through these stories, it is the themes and motifs of the daily life of neighborhood youth that emerge: urban pop culture, friendship, group structure, financial distress, sexual desire, frustration , boredom, grandiose or derisory dreams, music, dance, language, gestural and behavioral codes, relations with the police, economic shit. The series makes all sections of society and all age groups laugh. It conveys a positive and optimistic message about urban culture. Indeed, humor is the best catalyst for understanding and tolerance between people of different origins, social backgrounds or ages. Both fair and positive reflection of society, the "Lascars" are authentic and the public is not mistaken. By word of mouth and without any marketing or promotional action, the notoriety has become colossal. The "Lascars" have become a cult and emblematic series of urban youth. Broadcast on Canal+, MCM, MTV.

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