Soviets: Red Alert 3 Rejuvenation (Mod) Let's Play

1 year ago

Red Alert 3 Rejuvenation is a mod for C&C Red Alert 3 (the original, not the Uprising expansion) that adds a lot of new units, There is also new 3 new factions with their own unique arsenal of units. The Allies have the GRF, Soviets have Legion, and the Japanese have Fujitai.

The Soviets have a ton of new stuff in this mod, in addition to the Desolator Trooper and Mortar Cycle ported over from the Red Alert 3 Uprising expansion, the Apocalypse tank is reskinned. New Units for this faction include the Gorynych (A flame tank that is amphibious), Floating Disc (A flying disc that can shock units, make electric discs to attack units, protect itself from air units with it's own Anti-Air shock attack, and even use a magnetic siphon to remove material from structures, damaging them and giving the Soviet faction funding), Legion MCV (builds Legion Soviet sub-faction buildings, not trained as default Soviet faction is bankrupting enough), Ironclad (a naval unit with electric attacks and torpedoes that can submerge), and Kirov Bastion (A tesla based superunit). There are also upgrades in this mod, though with this faction you don't have to click on the Battle Lab to Access them: Coded Ballistics upgrades the V4 Rocket Launchers and Twinblades, and another upgrade called Dreadnought CIWS Drones which adds combat drones to the Dreadnought.

The mod can be found on ModDB, look it up. The old C&C games as part of the Ultimate Collection can be found on the Official EA App. Please look up the Red Alert 3 Rejuvenation mod on ModDB.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: This video showcases the Soviets of the Red Alert 3 Rejuvenation mod, where there are some new units, as well as units taken from the uprising expansion, and edits to existing units, including a Apocalypse tank reskin.

0:55: 2 units you can train from the Barracks in this mod are from the Red Alert 3 Uprising expansion.

2:03: The Mortar Cycle is one of the units from Uprising.

2:23: This flame tank was added in the Rejuvenation mod.

3:43: Apparently the Battle Bunker was added to the Support Structure Tab, but it seems incomplete

4:01: Apparently they made the flame tank Amphibious.

4:54: The Desolator Trooper is another Uprising unit.

5:20: It looks like the Desolator is holding a gasoline pump.

6:05: The Apocalypse Tank is reskinned for Rejuvenation

7:19: This mod even adds upgrades.

8:48: The Bridge really does retract.

9:06: This mod has an upgrade that adds protective drones to the Dreadnought

10:20: It is possible to access the Legion subfaction for the Soviets but showcasing the Soviet arsenal is bankrupting enough.

11:32: Those floating things are the drones I procured earlier through the Dreadnought upgrade.

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