Rare look on the Russian occupied Crimea

2 years ago

Rare look on the Russian occupied Crimea. The Russian resistence in Bakmut wasnt so strategically wrong (it means they put the front to a standstill). Maby it is a bait for Ukraine to atack Crimeea. If they do, Ukraine that is, the losses would be very high. There is no way to conquer Crimeea when Ukraine hasnt conquered Luhansk and Donetsk. Even if they do succeed in those regions there still remains Crimea. And if Zelensky is determined to not negociate peace until Ukraine recovers all the lost teritories, that would mean not for years. Even if Putin is removed the next leader will not just give up Crimeea, especially because so many Russians live there (it doesnt matter if they were placed there or not). If those Russians dont leave or are not forced to live, the next Russia's government won't just give up Crimea when its easy to defend and its the perfect defensive position to make a stand especially Because Russia has a land brindge in Rostov area to resupply Crimea, also the Navy is there.
Last time the Germans and the Romanians conquered Crimea in the second world war after destroying Sevastopol the city to ashes it was the only way to conquer the city. And Germany also had air and naval superiority in that assault. Realistically speaking there is no way for Ukraine to conquer Crimeea.
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