ManTFup Podcast - Episode 32

1 year ago

As far as 2022 goes there are plenty of situations and conversations that can and do keep us up at night and this week on the ManTFUp Podcast KimmyB and Lenny are getting into one of the main culprits…the Economy. As we all know, gas prices & inflation are wreaking havoc on the bank accounts of working class American families and just recently another giant American retailer announced major store closings and lay-offs. This has Kimmy genuinely concerned about the ever widening income gap and continuously shrinking “blue color”/“no degree necessary” job market. With the landscape of traditional retail eroding & the on-line marketplace growing exponentially, and the increase in the cost of living severely outpacing any viable or meaningful mass wage increases the question is…what opportunities remain for the average American worker looking for job security, a liveable wage, and the ability to work and provide for their family while also allowing them to prepare for retirement? If these opportunities exist at all, who has access to them & how do we prepare future generations for the shifts that are coming?

Whatever the answer one thing is certain…It’s Time to ManTFUp!!!

As always you can find the ManTFup Podcast on all streaming platforms and on our website at! Don't forget to subscribe and follow us!


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