One has to be crazy to believe we live on an endlessly spinning spiraling Earth

1 year ago

Nowhere in scripture does the Bible state that the earth spins. The sun was created on the 4th day of Creation. Why would everything revolve around something that was created on the 4th day and no Word from God that this is so? They are trying to hide God's Throne.
How does the earth spin at a constant speed?
What keeps it spinning like that?
What and where is the source of this force?
And how does all this water stay connected to the earth with all this spin?
How did God submerge the entire earth in Noah's Day on a spinning ball?
How will every eye see Jesus when He returns in glorious power?
If the earth and our galaxy are endlessly spinning and spiraling through space where is God's Throne and what force keeps this expansion going?

Come on man, time to wake up, we have been deceived. This is a silly theory that is actually a religion. The Jesuits are the source of this great lie. If you want to hang out with Jesuits than you are an enemy of the cross.

Nowhere in scripture does the Bible say we revolve around the sun, yet we attribute all this fake science talk to His work cause we are afraid to look at the truth for fear of what folks will say about us if we believe the earth is fixed and at the center of everything.

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
Let Your glory be above all the earth.

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