preparing for the Lost River in SUBNAUTICA

1 year ago

in which we go get all our little bits and pieces and argue over directions before we make our epic run 👀

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#Subnautica #Games #BoosterKiwi


well what's the plan then okay so I
think we need the um depth modules but I
think we can just get the depth modules
anyway I think if we didn't figure this
out last time I don't remember
I think we can just get them from the
modification station if I'm correct yeah
you're just gonna go attack people
it's so distracted playing this game
yeah so where are the diff modules for
this then
okay like I said previously because I
know you got distracted I did I think
that we can get them in the modification
and I believe we have that inside the
moon pool okay let's look at this
depth module yeah okay okay but go down
there that one there we need we needed
the nickel ore and the Ruby wait did we
use our Ruby for something else I think
we use the rubies to make this [ __ ]
where are you gonna go
a lot of fish
oh of course bladder fish silly me I
keep forgetting about the bladder fish
you've never even seen Indiana Jones
don't help me like that dude why are you
singing that
well because I know all of John
Williams's famous work
oh all of his famous work you have is
discography on your on your hard drive
no but I know of some of the songs
you just sit around listening to James
James Williams James you sound like
that's a weird thing to do did I yeah
I don't know if I I was just thinking of
you that's why I said James
it's not a weird thing to do is to
listen to
film music is it
I feel about those wood in parks and rec
um they kind of made it
feel weird
they they made fun of bin for like
that's what he listens to his
soundtracks movie soundtracks like he
has them in his car
and I was like that's them that's
perfectly normal right I think that's
that's fine that I would much rather
listen to that sense of shitty pop music
I go through phases where that's what I
listen to all the time
it's like you know like I would rather
listen to the sicario soundtrack then
listen to the latest and greatest
[ __ ] gay radio song
Mario soundtrack is awesome
it slept dude how do we unpinned these
uh you can go to your yeah go to your
your wrench there yeah I I like I let
you get rid of it yeah throw it away I
like that it's very sad throw it let's
still and get I don't remember how to do
this and what nickel ore
the plus deal is the uh lithium with
titanium you need two of the lithium and
then but you need
um 10 pieces of titanium to make the
this is gonna take a while
you're talking like that guy that talks
about the cats
which guy
the guy that talks like this oh the guy
oh you need a dubious little creature
yeah a dubious little creature getting
up to Mischief I like I love him I know
you do that's like the only that's the
only good Tick Tock account I mean other
than mine yeah that's true other than
mine of course
it is 80 superhero Vibe
oh yeah I'm a tech talker now cool you
can't I don't is that true
look is that true no no we have to we
have to pretend we're into Tick Tock for
our stupid followers okay we only have
seven thousand now Idiot followers have
to be convinced that we like them
we can like them we don't have to like
take top yeah
well I mean I can try to love them I've
tried to love them but have you seen the
comments they live I have some of them
I try to love you but you make it
I like the ones that say they like our
content those are my favorite ones hey
keep it up and if you leave an annoying
comment unfollow me
dislike the video oh you can't
all right first we just need some
titanium there's been a while since I've
made a titanium
oh go get your Salvage medal
you're gonna ruin this guy's life he
won't be able to get back down in the
go up people
no oh this poor guy he actually went
down in the water
oh [ __ ] you dude [ __ ] you that's what
you give a farting on me idiot yes
of course
this game is good all of a sudden
whatever and it's like what the crap is
thunder [ __ ]
you know what it is baby
you you you're quite aware of his work
here that [ __ ]
it's that guy that you're making float
we all float
I was gonna make that joke but I thought
it was too lame oh I'm glad I took it
for you then yeah thank you you're
I think lithium is on the cliff wall by
the mushroom
Forest mushroom Forest yeah
um so for the redfields
uh it's like past the the battle of the
The Bell the ship the Bell you're just
trying to lead me to the front of the
because I mean awful is there
no you wouldn't do that to me right on
lead me to Awful places so I get
Tick-Tock views
I wouldn't do that
I would do that I want you to get views

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