Lack of Ethical Integrity at the University of British Columbia

1 year ago

An Open Letter to the UBC Administration, read by its author, Dr. Cockle
"It's Time To Restore Ethical Integrity at the University of British Columbia: An Open Letter to the UBC Administration", March 17, 2023.

I have written this open letter because I believe UBC's COVID-19 genetic vaccine mandate was egregiously unethical. I refuse to accept UBC’s decision to coerce students, staff, and instructors into receiving this experimental treatment. I refuse to accept UBC’s pretense that this treatment could be called safe when there was absolutely no long term safety data available to support that claim. Moreover, there remains no controlled phase 3 clinical studies that show these vaccines prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2, reduce the severity of COVID-19, or prevent transmission. And finally, I refuse to endorse UBC as an institution of any merit until its administration has issued public apologies for its coercive COVID-19 policies, and for its role in misleading the general public with respect to the safety and efficacy of these mRNA vaccines.

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