063: Intel as Entertainment, News as Information

1 year ago

Most of us have grown up with a healthy distrust for "the News," but are at risk for substituting it for something inherently more valuable, without utilizing it as such.

Field: Epistemology.
Terms: Intel, Information, News, Entertainment.
While we are aware that the News primarily operates as a form of entertainment, Intel isn't necessarily used as useful information. By remedying this division, we are made better thinkers, actors, and Citizens.

The Field of Epistemology can often come across as rude, especially when debating a cynic with a bent for dismissal. But despite it's timeless nature, it will be the antidote of Fifth Generation Warfare, if not a demarcation of those who survive it on top.

If you can defeat an enemy without firing a shot, by either demoralizing him, or disrupting his ability to evaluate information, you have a distinct advantage over them, as you will be able to assess the playing field, while they are rendered incapable of understanding it.

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