Influencer Claims to be TOO HOT & Intimidating TO DATE in Viral JOKE That Hits Too Close to Home!

1 year ago

Hope Schwing is an online comedian/influencer/TikToker that caught the attention of news outlets recently for her clip professing she was too hot to date anyone and that all the men are too fearful to approach her. She was sort of joking, claiming it was a satirical take, but based it off of real life events. So there is truth to her claims and she did kinda walk back the joke aspect, but shoutout to her for captivating the tabloid news space.

Her comedy clip, even though satirical, isn't a foreign concept. Women of today have such an over inflated ego and high levels of entitlement, it's almost astonishing. Attention and validation are a simple post away and any imperfection or slight can be compensated for by the loving adoration of a simp in the wings. While Hope might have been joking, like Chris Rock, her critiques are also veiled in truth.

Sincerely, well done to @HopeSchwing

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