Animal Video

2 years ago

Tiger and lion are two wild animals famous in the world for their power and authority in wild animals. They often assert it by fighting, even fighting to the death to distinguish victory or defeat.
When these two enemies confront, the battle between them will become extremely fierce in wild animals. And the question of who is the lord of all species has always been raised.
Compared to lions, tigers are solitary animals, so when the two have the opportunity to fight each other, the tiger's solitary lifestyle and hunting will overwhelm the lion in wild animals.
However, male lions have perfect camouflage, tigers often attack their prey from behind and they tend not to risk themselves on opponents that do much damage in wild animals. The lion's mane is very useful in combat. To break through this fur barrier, an opponent would need a lot of strength, to tire the lion to the point of exposing an opening to bite into the spine in wild animals.
When lions fight head-to-head, the mane makes the lion appear larger in the eyes of the tiger, and the tiger will choose to safely withdraw and cease fighting in wild animals.
That doesn't mean tigers are afraid of lions. They are still willing to kill lions if given the opportunity, or tease the lion in wild animals. In terms of stamina, lions have better stamina while resisting the attack of tigers. A male lion may fight with male tigers to defend his territory, while a tiger usually fights alone in wild animals.
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