WhistlinDiesel | Before They Were Famous | Crazy Life Of Cody Detwiler

3 years ago

WhistlinDiesel | Before They Were Famous | Crazy Life Of Cody Detwiler
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He is probably lucky that the bullet ricocheted from steel plates 4ft away from him before hitting him. Thankfully, the steel plates took most of the momentum out of the bullet. Nevertheless, WhistlinDiesel almost passed out after the projectile hit him. On the upside, the story became a viral news story all over the world and only emptied up this kid's viral momentum which is much deserved. He writes on his YouTube page that he doesn’t clickbait his content, that he delivers exactly what he puts on the title, and both his titles and his content are pretty wild. But where did WhistlinDiesel come from and how does he even afford all of these wonderful toys that he has little problem in destroying? Today, we’re going to do our best to answer some of these questions as we dive into this man's past and the detail he come up.

The Stradman | Before They Were Famous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_JokvkYj-8

#WhistlinDiesel #Biography #BeforeTheyWereFamous #Bio #Before #Demolition #CodyDetwiler #MarlonPalmer #ThatDudeMcFly #MichaelMcCrudden


Host Marlon Palmer: https://www.instagram.com/thatdudemcfly/

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0:00 - Intro
2:01 - Origins
2:08 - Background Rumours
2:28 - Channel Funding
3:01 - Rural Influence
3:35 - Channel Creation
3:55 - Finishing Education
4:14 - Automotive Return to YouTube
4:40 - Absurd-ish Modifications
5:09 - Personality
5:27 - No Clickbait Promises
5:41 - Mrs. WhistlinDiesel
5:56 - 'He's One HP Bro'
8:00 - Outro

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