Abdurozik | Before They Were Famous | Bryce Hall Or Jake Paul Next Opponent

3 years ago

Abdurozik | Before They Were Famous | Bryce Hall's Next Opponent
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Over the past few weeks, one viral video has captured the attention of the entire world -- a show-down between Tajik singer, Abdu Rozik and his upcoming opponent in an MMA-style fight, Hasbulla Magomedov. Honestly, when this video first came across my phone, I had no idea what was going on – but the one thing I did know is that I had to learn more about both these young men as soon as humanly possible. Today, I’m centering my sights solely on the Three-foot, three-inch-tall prize-fighter in the making, Abdu Rozik, who despite looking like he’s only about five or six years old, is actually an 18-year-old musical prodigy. Okay, okay, maybe “prodigy” is a bit strong of a term, but the man clearly has skills on the microphone – the question is how, did he get them? And, perhaps even more importantly, what the heck is he doing signing onto a fight in an upcoming MMA match? Stay tuned to find out these answers and more!

Hasbulla Magomedov / Hasbik | Before They Were Famous: https://youtu.be/zRFntWUd6EI

#Abdurozik #Biography #BeforeTheyWereFamous #HasbullaMagomedov #Hasbik #MMA #Tamaev #BryceHall #JakePaul #Bio #Tajikistan #MarlonPalmer #ThatDudeMcFly #MichaelMcCrudden

Host Marlon Palmer: https://www.instagram.com/thatdudemcfly/

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0:00 Intro
2:08 Modest Beginnings
3:03 Dealing With GHD
3:31 A Star Is Born
4:09 A Musical Mentor Baron Behruz
5:03 A Golden Opportunity
6:21 Push Back Against Hasbulla Magomedov vs. Abdurozik Fight
7:12 Conclusion

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