👐 Yup, I Moved. Forward. Wanna Come Along? 2023.03.17 👐

1 year ago

👐 Hiya! WIZNU, with U?! 👐
Are you coming to our Friday March 17th St. Patrick's BIRTHdays Party?

📅 INVITE: https://t.me/ManKinder/1158
📅 EVENT: https://fb.me/e/M8ZJeyyS

Or joining our webcasts + events?

💻 JOIN: http://SendFox.com/ManKinder

This week of March 15, 2023, I celebrate the initiation of my Second Half-Life, Rebirthing from a shocking 60 years above ground; and 25 years in California; and only three years of The Plandemic's "two weeks to flatten the Curve." Yes, my 2020 Birthday inaugurated The Great Lockdown Hoax, just as I was about to relaunch my work supporting the music industry with world-class photography + media production.

I pivoted, to work exclusively behind-the-scenes with Activists against the depopulation agenda. So if you've been a big fan of masks and jabs, the Great Reset, the New World Order, CBDC's and TV, all sponsored by Pfizer, Baal, Moloch + Lucifer, well... "May Yahuah Bless You!" ~ cuz you're gonna need it! 😇

But if you've been awakening beyond the mistakes we've all made, and you’re ready to connect with the Kewl Kids who will remain healthy + thriving, building the New Earth for future generations, let me know. We share Strategies to Strengthen ManKind ~ building collaborative communities ~ transcending excessive taxation + regulation of all sorts ~ because our "governments" do NOT have legitimate jurisdiction over us. And maybe you can join our San Diego St. Patrick's BIRTHdays Party ~ on March 17th, of course.

Yup, on January 6, 2022 I drove on down here, as one of the Producers of an event which attracted about 10 or 12 thousands of TruthSeekers, thinking outside the boxes of mainstream media and governmental programming.

San Diego : perhaps our world's most powerful City of Freedom In Action.

So, that's w'iz nu with Me ~ Now it's YOUR Turn ~ WIZNU, with U?! 😇

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