Headwaters Bamboo 7' 2pc 4wt Deluxe Breitenbush Fly Rod and St. Joe Fly Reel Product Review #bass

1 year ago

Hit the water with a complete outfit of classic fly fishing gear. And save some cash while you're at it,

Inspired by the upper reaches of streams tumbling out of Oregon's Cascade Range, this light bamboo rod is great for small to medium trout in streams and lakes or warmwater panfish. This light action rod is well suited for fishing short distances or tight casting conditions and is a little stiffer than it's companion Santiam model rod. Fighting small or slightly larger fish with this bamboo rod is a treat.

Phillipson Peerless taper, 2.9 oz.
Medium fast flex action
Two piece with nickel-silver ferrule
Two matched tip sections
Genuine hand-split and hand-planed Tonkin bamboo

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