Justin Trudeau Gets Roasted On Our TikTok Page | Famous News

3 years ago

Justin Trudeau Gets Roasted On Our TikTok Page | Famous News
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It’s not often we strike a chord and go viral with a Canadian news story but it happened last week over on Tik Tok after we spoke about these wild Canadian kids who partied it up on a flight to Mexico. The comment section essentially tore our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a new one. Stonednacho69 said: Trudeau literally went on vacation on the first reconciliation day that he created!!! F Trudeau. That’s just one of a ton of hundreds of heated comments you guys left for us.

#JustinTrudeau #TikTok #FamousNews #Sunwing #Mexico #Cancun #Memes #MichaelMcCrudden #BeforeTheyWereFamous

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