What made you not want to have kids?

2 years ago

What made you not want to have kids?
I'm broke and I hate noise
When I realised that having a kid would mean that kid would have me as a parent.
Raised my siblings. I'm done.
I had a child born with Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy. . I felt incredibly guilty for bringing such a lovely child into this world with so much difficulty he faced. After he passed away, I never wanted to bring another child into this cruel world.
My parents. They weren’t good examples to learn from.
The economy and financial instability
Honestly, no idea. Just never envisioned a future with children.
Just never felt that maternal urge. And it's cruel/wrong to have them unless you actually want them.
Seeing them in the wild
Giving birth
I like having my free time and don't want to ruin it.
the thought of just being pregnant is terrifying also you have to dedicate your entire life to them
Honestly? Parents. They make their lives sound like hell but then always top it with “oh but it’s the best thing ever and so worth it.” Doesn’t sound like it to me lol
If I can't afford a house, what makes you think I can afford a child? The economy is a dumpster fire.
I am quite fond of sleep, flexibility and money
The thought of pregnancy and going into labour is terrifying to me. Also during lockdown I could hear my neighbours kids screaming all day and made me realise I didn't want that in my life
My family ask me and my wife about this all the time. The best way I've found to explain it is to ask them why they don't own horses. 'They're impractical expensive, require constant attention, I'd probably have to relocate, why would i want one in the first place, etc'. The exact same arguments apply.
I hate interruptions, inconveniences, and misunderstandings with a passion.
I can’t get pregnant and know I’m not ready to be a parent yet. Can’t be a good influence for a young one if I’m still occasionally flocking up with drugs, self harming, and not doing well. That stuff emotionally transfers to the kid and isn’t conducive to a healthy environment for growth.
Was raised in a religion that told me the only purpose in life was to raise a family. Then I was abused by a church leader and decided I don’t want any potential kids that would have to deal with me and all of my baggage despite therapy and medications improving my life the past year or so.
*Gestures around wildly*
I hate working. I hate *having to* work my whole life. Why would I make more people that have to work their whole lives? Hard pass.
A kid may upgrade my quality of life but may also hurt it. My life is too good kid-free that the benefit doesn’t outweigh the risk. I’d much rather regret NOT having a kid some day then regretting having one.
Having to take care of my half-siblings, changing shitty diapers and all that fun stuff starting when I was 10. Plus they were brats and made home life miserable. Now I'm pushing 60, been with my wife 40 years, no regrets not having kids.
The pregnancy experience alone is a no. FYI just being pregnant is painful. Not even second term, but the first weeks of pregnancy it hurts to just be pregnant. 9 months of that, and then the real work begins? No thank you.
Usually it's people who have kids that make me not wanna have kids.
Dating a woman with kids for 4 years. Loved them and everything but looking back I'm so flocking glad I don't have those responsibilities anymore
I'm sure I will be downvoted for this, but honestly I was afraid of having a child with autism or health issues of some sort. I just don't think I'm strong enough to deal with those scenarios.
my own abusive childhood, state of the world, selfishness, take your pick.
The thought of having a child who is so miserable and depressed and resents their parents for bringing them into existence. Like me.
I don't like people, by having kids you multiply the number of people you have to know, hear about and interact with exponentially... other parents, teachers, in-laws and other kids. Fuck that!
I like my freedom. Now I can live my life on my terms and am not held back by anything.
I never felt the urge to become a father, and also, I don't think I could handle the responsibility. Taking care of myself and my cat is enough.
Myself as a kid. There's absolutely no flocking way I'd be able to cope if I had kids and they turned out like I was, I was a flocking nightmare... my parents are absolute saints for having the willpower to not drown me in the bathtub.
My mom's parents were verbally and emotionally abusive to her, my mom was emotionally and verbally abusive to me, and I know I'm emotionally messed up enough from it that I, whether I knew it or not, would emotionally and verbally abuse my own kid. I don't want to be responsible for another generation of messed up kids.
Giving birth is scary and brutal af. So much can happen and I‘m not willing to suffer hours and hours of pain while a bunch of nurses and doctors look at my vagina. No thank you

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