A Day of Protesting in NYC: City Hall and Stephen Colbert/Kamala Harris (March 15, 2023)

1 year ago

Yesterday was my first protest in a while! We visited City Hall, where we yelled at the mayor from outside the gate. 😁

After he left, we happened upon another activist group’s demonstration against violent crime in NYC. Right on the steps of City Hall!

They invited us to speak, so I said a few words about the injustices of taxation and gun control—both of which are unconstitutional restrictions on our ability to protect and invest in our communities.

Later, we visited the Ed Sullivan Theater, where Stephen Colbert was interviewing Vice President Kamala Harris. We yelled at her, too! 😂

Unfortunately my phone hit 0% just before Harris left the building.

So glad to be back! For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been extremely focused on searching and interviewing for jobs, resuming an old side gig, and FINALLY taking driving lessons again.

Lots to catch up on! My apologies for disappearing. See you again soon!

More at: michaelanthony.video

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