AFRICA [2] - The Big Five - A Film by Henry Stober featuring Walter Veith

1 year ago

The Loud Cry presents the second film about Africa
"Africa: The Big Five - A Film by Henry Stober featuring Walter Veith" which considers - The Five Great Questions of Life! Man is uniquely created. A very special being. With the longing for harmony and love. Every day, we expose ourselves to the questions of origin. The questions where we come from. Why we are here and where the journey goes. These are very important questions to which there are many answers. But what is the right answer, is there any at all? This question was the reason for the realization of this project. THE BIG 5 – is a film documentary that deals with the famous 5 animals of Africa. But, it was important to dig deeper one more level. And so the idea arose, in cooperation with Prof. Veith, to speak about what concerns us all: The Five Great Questions of Life!

With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry on YouTube.

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