Haunting at Howick Historical Village - A Paranormal Investigation of the Puhinui Homestead

1 year ago

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Visit Mark's Website here! https://hauntedauckland.com/ Special thanks to Mark and his Team for allowing me to make this video which is based on the following article - https://hauntedauckland.com/site/sarita-is-that-you-the-intriguing-puhinui-homestead/ Also thanks for the many photos they took while on their investigation which I was able to use as templates for the art in this video!
AI art generated by WOMBO - https://dream.ai/
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This video is the complete version of my shorts series: The Haunting of Howick's Puhinui Homestead - A Tribute to Auckland's Mark Wallbank
In this series we will look at a real life #paranormalinvestigation that took place by a team of paranormal investigators from hauntedauckland.com, headed by Mark Wallbank, a well known and respected paranormal investigator in New Zealand who has had a life long interest in uncovering the truth behind supernatural and ghostly activity, In this series we will be looking at the Puhinui Homestead situated within the Howick Historical Village, a location which has featured in videos by Viva La Dirt League, a location which also happens to be a hotspot for paranormal activity....
Please Visit Mark's website here: https://hauntedauckland.com/site/category/paranormal-new-zealand/nz-haunted-locations/
If you have a strange story of something that happened to your, whether it be a ghost sighting, a haunting, UFO or perhaps Big Foot, Angels, an after death experience…. Whatever it is, please share with me at: tellyourtalehere@gmail.com so that I can tell your tale in a future video! #MarkWallbank #KerinsKuriosities #newzealand #hauntings #hauntedNewZealand

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