my top 5 crypto bags

2 years ago

Today we’re going over my top cryptocurrencies investments. These are the best cryptocurrencies to invest in for my own personal opinion. Not advice. And I’m ONLY saying it that way because of how people search things on the internet to improve the Search Engine Optimization on this video.

Before we dive into the content, I think you should know that investing in cryptocurrency is very risky and you’re more likely to lose money if you don’t understand how to limit your risk.

And the purpose of this video is to show you 5 blue chip cryptocurrencies, what value they have, why I’m investing in them long term.

I also don’t think any of these cryptocurrencies will make you rich. I think these are long term investments that can grow over time. There are definitely a lot of other investments that have higher chances for gains but also come with significantly higher risk.

So that’s why we’re looking at these investments from a long term perspective for educational reasons in how they have value.

Don’t invest in these coins.

00:00 Top crypto coins
02:54 What is BNB Chain?
07:33 What is Polygon coin?
10:04 What is Chainlink?
15:02 Why do people invest in Bitcoin?
18:51 What is Ethereum?

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Nothing in this video is financial advice. Please do enough research to form your own opinion. Disclaimer: Some links may be affiliate/referral links where I would earn a commission.

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