The Last Adam

2 years ago

The biblical book of Jude discusses the last Adam: Jesus Christ. Learn how the message of the last Adam will put you in God’s orbit and solve all your problems.


The Apostle Jude is known for writing more forcefully than other biblical writers. His message discusses this end time—the most dangerous time ever, but also the time of greatest opportunities for God’s loyal people. He urges the brethren to snatch rebellious Church members out of the fire—both physically and spiritually!

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet on Jude to unlock a life-saving end-time warning message for God’s chosen people. The message of Jude is filled with military terminology because God’s people today must fight to deliver His truth to all mankind. Jude explains God’s in-depth process of selecting, protecting, and inviting true Christians into the one true Church. God analyzes us very closely, often for many years, before drafting us into spiritual military service. He wants to be sure that we are capable of fighting and winning our war against sin. Those who are called by God into His way of warfare should know that their chances of success are extremely high!

The history of angels and mankind is pock-marked by violent rebellion. A third of all the angels have betrayed their Creator, and so have the vast majority of all humans. They are as wandering stars out of orbit. The age-old saying remains true: Break the law, and it will break you! Study the Jude booklet to learn how to set your life in God’s lawful orbit.

Also, request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Repentance Toward God to understand how true repentance is much deeper than simply apologizing. It means acknowledging that the way we are living is wrong, and making a 180-degree turn to walk in the opposite direction. It means tearing all idols out of our lives until God becomes top priority. It means becoming converted—learning to think like God. It means keeping God’s law. Repentance toward God leads to joy unspeakable.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet Who Is ‘That Prophet’? The biblical book of Jude describes an end-time type of the ancient Enoch [EE-nock]. Where is this man today? You can prove the identity of the end-time Enoch who delivers the message of the last Adam.
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Jude, Repentance Toward God, and Who Is ‘That Prophet’? Order now!

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