Micro air abrasion fossil prep on a weird crab [Vaniman Problast]

1 year ago

Use this link for the discounted price: https://www.vaniman.com/product/mobile-problast-80017-mamlambo-discount/

This is one of the fossil preps I starting with an air scribe and soon realised that I will need another method to prep it as I was going to damage the coral / growth on that is all over the crab.

I got my hands on a new Vaniman Problast and sifted out some dolomite, catching it between a 100 and 63 micron sieve. 2 hours later I had enough for a bit of prep on that tricky crab, after a bit of a rest of course!

The results are truly outstanding! I can't wait to try this out on some other fossils and see what it can do. Micro air abrasion is now another method I can try on my fossil finds.

Mamlambo Rocks rockhounding channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyIYDaFNKo2UHkJg7mlwRQQ

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Postal address:
Morne Mamlambo
PO Box 78018
New Zealand

#prep #fossil #airbrasion

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