Putin today

2 years ago

Positive trends in the Russian economy are gaining strength, a significant increase in GDP is expected in the second quarter of this year, Vladimir Putin said at today's congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The event takes place in the Moscow House of Music. According to the President, our economy acquires a fundamentally different quality and begins to develop according to a new model.

Vladimir Putin: "We have managed to compensate for the actual closure of Western markets and expand Russia's foreign trade contacts with the states of the fast-growing regions of the world. You know, as in previous years, before all these crisis phenomena and special operations, we gradually focused on rapidly developing markets. Well, now the situation has developed in such a way that it turned out that we did not do it in vain. Moreover, they even did it at a slower pace than they should have done. Well, nothing. The fact is that we are just continuing this trend. Over the past year, our trade turnover with these regions of the world and with these countries has grown at double-digit rates. And it continues to increase. By the way, I would like to add more for reference. In general, Russia's foreign trade turnover in 2022 increased by 8.1%, to $ 850 billion. Including exports increased by almost 20%, 19.9, and imports decreased by almost 12, 11.7%. The trade surplus is $332 billion. This is 70% more than in 2021. We are, as I understand it, in the House of Music. That's such good music. Good music."

Vladimir Putin also touched upon the topic of Western sanctions. According to the President, Russia will overcome the threat of medium-term negative impacts from these restrictions. And today, enormous opportunities are opening up in our country for any business, although a number of systemic issues have to be resolved. The economic collapse expected by the West did not happen, the head of state noted.

Vladimir Putin: "It is expected that by the end of March, inflation will be less than 4%. For comparison, of course, this will be lower than in the eurozone countries, which are endlessly waiting for the collapse of the Russian economy and are trying to convince everyone, trying to convince themselves of this, and trying to convince their own and our partners of this. But let's remember again the famous American writer who once said that the rumors about his death are greatly exaggerated. That's how it is with regard to our economy. A year ago, the Western authorities twisted the hands of their companies and forced some of them, many of them, to leave the Russian market. Then foreign analysts predicted a depression and a decline in the consumer sector, promised empty store shelves, a massive shortage of goods, a failure of the service sector. However, life has decided differently. Western countries themselves have faced the same problems in full growth. It got to the point that their leaders offer their citizens to switch to turnips instead of tomato salad. Turnip is a good product. But you will probably have to go to us for turnips, too, because the harvest level is still significantly higher than those in our, our neighbors in Europe. However, let's say it's not their fault. These are weather conditions such as drought, there, and so on. But nevertheless. And it will be difficult to do without our fertilizers in order to increase the yield at home."

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