Commit to the Truth.

1 year ago

We don’t need every last ounce of truth. We just need a lot more than we’re getting. And I don’t mean aliens or Antarctica; I suspect those will come along as more mundane subjects make a comeback; like the truth that totalitarianism is in our midst. And we have a hard time seeing it because it is not coming in the same form as it did last time.
Commit to recognizing where in your observable world that that is true.
To learn about a “truth” that will fundamentally benefit our quality of life (of which there are many) is not a nebulous concept; it IS possible to learn much more about our chronic ills than we have been conditioned to believe. How about we start with the vanguard: the few good men and women who have stepped up to chronicle the travesty that is the information industrial complex in the United States and the world. Governments have always made some attempts to control information, as many of us are finding out; but at our moment in history, the situation has never been worse. I don’t say this lightly. I say it because I can demonstrate, if needed, that we are quickly slipping away from truth. Truth is observable matter. Observable data. It is, for example, the real experience of people who are injured by the wrong health care for them; which, even though these experiences might not be the majority (let’s hope),they are true experiences. They need to be studied. We need more information, not less. And that, my friends, is what we’re trying to save. The free exchange of facts, lies and distortions. And let me tell you something, the more you learn and the more ideas you hear, the more you will be able to figure out who is lying. If you know, you know. But if you don’t, let’s start with something I have observed:
Think tanks, elite research groups and nongovernmental organizations have been working in earnest now for at least seven years to maintain an illusory picture of acceptable consensus. They have so much money and so much power behind them, that it boggles the mind, and is frankly terrifying. The most effective way to break through this fusion of special interest is if the ugly truth is exposed in fall, then people who might once have supported their efforts, will now have a choice to act in rectifying, extraordinarily unjust state of affairs, or Miekle, sit by and watch as more and more of the American people’s constitutional rights are violated, and that includes the right to their actual lives. I say this with authority behind me, based on seven years of my own journalism work, as I sat in horror, discovering what was going on behind the scenes. It was a mirage of transparency hiding the grooming of the populace to accept and internalize stereotypical narratives so that when health, monetary and informational policy began to have a material effect on the fabric of our society, the populace would accept conditions that were diametrically opposed to their well-being. May it not be too late to apply timeworn, ethical fact finding to the monolith we see before us, before it swallows us into a totalitarian way of life and consigns us to the mindless drumbeat of conformity and incompetency.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince everyone he did not exist. Now that’s from a famous movie. Which one? Tell me in the comments if you’ve read this far. It’s not a religious sentiment, or a fearful one. It is a truthful metaphor.
In this metaphor, the devil represents not so much a person but an action. And that acrion can be stripped down to its goal: the violation of the free will of others. Some say it’s impossible to avoid trampling on someone’s “freedom.” But I didn’t say “freedom.” I said “free will.” This means that anyone weaker than you, has the right to bodily autonomy and to make their own decisions. Persuasion is different, if done based on accurate research. But when you actively delete certain research, or data, or truth, this is one of the great violations of the people’s free will. While another obvious violation of free will is violence, it’s pretty clear that in our era, information control is the prerequisite tool that allows the powerful to commit the truly heinous violations of murder, rape and mayhem.
And so those that have those designs would convince us that free will is overrated; that it is actually an obstacle to progress, even, that it does not exist. So if free will is not important or does not exist, then neither do any designs on its violation.
Why is free will important? Aside from being one of the obvious principles behind the Age of Enlightenment, it is important on a fundamental level. Regardless of your beliefs in what lies beyond, you can probably agree with the idea that being told what to do is for children. That is because they do not yet know how to observe and analyze the full picture (to the best of our levels of collective learning). But when we do learn these things, then we are not controllable. We command our destiny. And life is short.

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