More Harbingers Are Being Seen As Second Rare Comet To Make Appearance

1 year ago

In tonight's broadcast, we discuss three recent events that I believe foreshadow the "Days of Noah" as Jesus predicted in the Gospel of Matthew that are harbingers to those who have an understanding and discernment of the times and seasons in which we are in. The first discussion is the discovery of another "rare comet" that is dated back to the time of creation, which will be visible in the same year as the next major solar eclipse coming in 2024. The second event is the push and predictions of transhumanism in the future and why this is nothing new in terms of the mix of the seed of men and other entities. Lastly, we talk about an insect that was discovered over a decade ago that also predates to the time of creation and the days of Noah. #daysofnoah #harbingers #endtimes

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