African Folklore Stories | Ep. 1: Why The Warthog Is So Ugly?

1 year ago

Once upon a time, the Warthog was a stunning animal, but his vanity made him unpopular with other creatures. One day, he encountered Porcupine, who was exhausted from a night of foraging and decided to take a nap in Warthog's burrow while he was out searching for food.

Warthog discovered a waterhole and some good grazing nearby, and Lion, who was in a foul mood, spotted him covered in mud and charged at him. In a panic, Warthog raced back to his burrow, but Lion couldn't follow him inside and roared angrily outside the entrance.

Meanwhile, Porcupine woke up from his nap and, thinking he was under attack, raised his quills. As Warthog raced back into his burrow, he collided with Porcupine and got his face and nose covered in quills. In pain, he rushed back out of the burrow, and Lion laughed at his misfortune. The other animals also mocked Warthog and didn't help him remove the quills.

Warthog's face swelled up, and he lost his good looks, but he learned a valuable lesson about vanity. He now enters his burrow backward, so as not to repeat his mistake, and remains an unattractive animal to this day.

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