1 year ago

Its almost inconceivable that this could have happened, in a so called modern country. America has proved itself to be, way worse than any tin pot country in the entire world. They have proved to be, the most apathetic, and non observant people in world history. To my knowledge, nothing remotely like this, has ever happened in the entire world, in all of our known history. 18, totally useless security agencies, have failed to spot a single one, of the possible one hundred imposter Biden’s, over the entire 51 years. Quite a few news agencies, have been quietly trying to show the unobservant American public, whats going on, but with little effect. Long ago the demon rats and deep state, woke up to the fact they could dress up Donald Duck as Biden call him Biden, and Donald would just have to say, “my name is Joe Biden and I am married to Dr Jill” and all Americans would have been more than happy with that. The imposters have been in the government, for 51 years, stealing top secret documents, and information, and supplying it all to the top bidders, or the CCP. The Biden Imposters and associates have been raping and pillaging the entire world for 51 years and I have seen figures quoted of 6.5 Billion, but imagine it may be only the tip of the iceberg. Every Demon rat and every Imposter Biden used, in the last 51 years, plus all facilitators, should all face treason charges, and be shot hung or guillotined. Gitmo has been made 10 times bigger, so lots of cells available there as well.

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