2 years ago

An eurosceptic individual from the European Parliament and previous head of the UK Freedom Party (UKIP), Nigel Farage battled to leave the EU for a considerable length of time. It was a flood in help for UKIP in the primary portion of the last ten years that aided drive then-state leader David Cameron into calling the 2016 vote. By zeroing in his mission on mass migration, Farage pulled in discussion. Following the unexpected triumph by the "Leave" side, he at first said he would pull out from forefront legislative issues. Be that as it may, he returned in 2019, criticizing what he considered to be a "selling out" of Brexit under then-chief Theresa May. Farage then established the Brexit Party which raged into the lead position in European Parliament decisions in May a year ago. In any case, after Boris Johnson supplanted Theresa May as state head, Farage found his new party minimized. It neglected to win any seats in the 2019 December general races, notwithstanding handling around 275 competitors.

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