15 Minute Cities

2 years ago

More analysis on 15 minute cities. This one focuses heavily on simply controlling movement of people. It does not go much into the why control the movement. She does touch on a subject I mentioned to my daughter years ago. Roundabouts are traffic control. If you close off one or more of the exits of the roundabout, it is very easy to divert traffic where you want. If you don't want people to be able to drive out of the cities, simply block the roundabout exits that would take you out. All traffic goes back to the 15 minute prison. Just know that 15 minute cities are meant to put a manageable amount of people into a controllable area. Then you can have a small force of guards that can quickly respond if a group in one 15 minute cell rises up. If you cut communications between the areas, there will be no ability to do any kind of coordinated uprisings. Control Control Control!!!!

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