63 Trading Agoras for Knowledge (example) 💎#shorts #TauNet #tradingknowledge #agoras

1 year ago

Trading Agoras for Knowledge

User knowledge is an asset that can be made accessible to the network and exchanged for Agoras ($AGRS), and other assets. Users’ thoughts and ideas shared over Tau Net will be integrated into the world’s most powerful knowledgebase that can be queried and logically reasoned over. Tau Net will even detect that a piece of a user’s knowledge is a solution to someone else’s problem and can advertise it to them.


Joe is looking for steps to get from A to D, he’s willing to pay 30 AGRS for this information.

Jane has knowledge of how to get from A to B, Alex has knowledge of how to get from B to C, and Sarah has knowledge of how to get from C to D.

Tau Net AI:

Combines Jane, Alex and Sarah’s knowledge and pays them for it from Joe’s AGRS balance, then provides Joe the accurate knowledge on how to get from A to D.

#TauNet #Agoras #knowledgeexchange #AIassistedknowledge #expertnetwork #problem-solving #logicalreasoning #collaborativelearning #monetizeyourknowledge #globalcommunity

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