Hauntings, Hontos and Hoaxes : The Eddy Family Paranormal Peep Show March 2023 Stephen Sakellarios

1 year ago

Hauntings, Hontos and Hoaxes: The Eddy Family Paranormal Peep Show March 2023 Stephen Sakellarios.

The Eddy Family of Chittendon, Vermont were famous mediums in 1874, for being able to manifest fully formed spirits in the seance room almost every evening, including Native Americans, Sailors, Family members, children and babies. They were subject to a 12-week-long investigation by Col Henry Steel Olcott, who proclaimed them to be genuine. He published his findings twice a week in an East Coast newspaper of the day and their popularity soared. Neil and returning guest Stephen Sakellarios discuss the seances and investigations from Olcott's book published in 1875 called People from Another World ( available to view for free at Archive.org ) . Also discussed are deathbed visions of the dying. Neil's own attempts at mediumship and the famous mediums of the past and present, including, Helen Duncan, Gordon Higginson, Stephen O'Brien, Gordon Smith, are also mentioned, including Stephen's personal investigation into the mediumship of John Edwards. Stephen believes that his past life self Matthew Whittier may have also been a witness to the Eddy seances too. Stephen's previous interview on reincarnation and mediumship can be viewed here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtZe5PyZovY&t=1981s and his web site is at reincarnationproof.com #mediums #eddyfamily
#hauntings #réincarnation

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