(ret) FBI Ted Gunderson: Bombshell 1998 Interview Exposes massive CIA Mind Control Operations used on American citizens

1 year ago

Ted Gunderson (FBI, ret), Chip Tatum (CIA defector), Brice Taylor, and Barbara Hartwell are interviewed in this Chicago Health Television documentary on U.S. government/CIA mind control programs.
Brice Taylor is a survivor of different government mind-control programs (Like MK Ultra survivor Kathy O'Brien).
MKULTRA victims speak out against the CIA mind control programs that have been destroying lives for many, many lives. These brave people, with the assistance of long-time satanic abuse investigator.

3:05 mark- (ret) FBI agent Ted Gunderson is talking about the FRANKLIN COVERUP that ex senator John Decamp looked into the Omaha pedophile ring that went to the top of the Whitehouse in 1990. Documentary "Conspiracy of Silence). Tied into a Washington CIA operation called "The FINDERS".

Brice Taylor MK Ultra survivor: Slave Auctions for the Elite. Used in porn films and prostitution for politicians, Governors, Hollywood actors. Global elitists planning to bring in the New World Order. Says she and her daughter was owned by Comedian Bob Hope.

Chip Tatum (CIA defector): Spent 20+ years as a Government SPY for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), CIA and US Military intelligence. 1980's involved in the Black Helicopters & Military operations in Nicaragua for Col Oliver North (Iran Contra scandal) flying drugs into America. Involved with George HW Bush and Colby CIA where they dealt in drugs and human trafficking (human slaves)

Barbara Hartwell: Mind control victim. CIA. New age psy-op, Media Journalism career. Constantly harrassed.
First 15 minutes.

Source: TheLibertyDaily

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