Tucker Carlson Tonight 15 Mar 2023

2 years ago

Uniparty warmongers using whatever happened with the targeting and intelligence drone flying over the Black Sea near Crimea to up the ante with Russia. Now that any conceivable GOP nominee has rejected ratcheting up tensions with Russia over the super corrupt Ukrainian war, they are on the clock to get the war started ASAP.
Well, it is a good distraction from the economic meltdown ongoing. Douglas MacGregor joins Tucker to discuss the issue.
Credit Suisse meltdown spreads the contagion to Europe. David Sacks joins Tucker for this discussion.
Border Patrol El Commandante breaks from the Regime talking points. Trace Gallagher joins Tucker to explain.
The IIC has supported gay marriage since the late 1950's? Sure he did. Vince Coglianese joins Tucker to laugh at the loser.
Short Clip with Ken Rusk from TC Today over at Fox Nation.
Woke has officially infected Medical Care. Not exactly news, but guest joins Tucker to give his personal anecdotal story.

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