🌟Ascension🌟UPGRADES Detoxing & Cleansing Your Body to a NEW YOU🦋⚡️

1 year ago

Mary Mazur and I, in our #5 sharing session, discuss our Upgrade experiences with practical info, my favorite items that assist me, and Mary's favorite: Belly Breathing! 🥳🥰 At this moment in time, many of us are experiencing physical detoxing from heavy metal toxins, bacteria, parasites as our bodies receive more Light during this Ascension Process. If this is happening to you, you are NOT ALONE! Welcome to the Journey and embrace the process; it's worth it! 💖😎🌍

Randi: https://lifebyrandi.com
Mary Mazur: https://www.igniteandhealyourlife.com...

~From acidic to healthy alkaline bodies;
~The Alchemy of Ascension; alchemizing our dense energies at this time;
~Rebirthing our true essence;
~Listen to your pain through the detox process for it has a message for you;
~Turpentine (gum spirits) & castor oil;
~Chlorine dioxide: chlorine dioxide is a biocide. This means it kills all bacteria, viruses, and fungus on contact through a process of oxidization. https://theuniversalantidote.com/wp-c... https://www.brighteon.com/5bca50f6-4a...
~Oil pulling (coconut oil for dental care);
~Breatharian and Belly Breathing

****Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, a medical professional, a dietician, or a nutritionist. All content found on the LifebyRandi.com website, YouTube Channel, and related social media, including: text, images, videos, or other formats were created solely for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health/wellness provider that you deem suitable and best able to give YOU the advice that is right for you and ask any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or proper nutritional advice. Do not disregard professional medical advice that resonates with you or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, watched on this video or read on the corresponding website that does not resonate with you as being true and the path that YOU should be following.

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