Reasons Why Your Dog Whines and How to Stop It ! #dog #dogfacts #doglovers

1 year ago

Reasons Why Your Dog Whines and How to Stop It.

1. Asking for Something.
If your dog wants something from you, like a walk, food, or a toy, it may whine in an effort to tell you.
You may even notice its eyes shifting between you and the door or other desired object while it's whining.

2. Seeking Attention.
Attention-seeking whining may occur if you're doing something that doesn't involve your dog, like having a phone conversation with someone or focusing on an important task.

3. Communicating Excitement
If your dog is excited, whining may be part of its way of burning energy and may be accompanied by jumping up and down and running around. Part of this type of whining may also be about seeking attention.

4. Showing Boredom
Boredom whining often comes across as a "woe is me" sigh-and-whine combo. The dog whines out of boredom and may also be trying to get your attention.

5. Expressing Pain or Discomfort
Many dogs whine if they're sick or in pain.3 If your dog isn't feeling well, whining may be its way of getting your attention to let you know. In some cases, the whining could be an effort on the dog's part to calm itself down rather than to get attention.

6. Indicating Stress
It's common for a dog to whine when it's anxious or afraid.4 This type of whining is often accompanied by appeasement gestures, like yawning, lip licking, or averting the eyes.

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