Health Update

2 years ago

Recently my health coming to question I have picking diagnosed with a very rare form of epilepsy I haven't put away in another drawer right now so it's so difficult to look at I will I will post it up and it's called EPC epilepsy fertility I I can't I don't see the second word continue it causes a very very violent tremors I just wanted to update people let you all know that I'm okay right now currently I am Saint Alphonsus Hospital in Boise Idaho I do have serious question for the administrator of this Hospital you have an employee by the name of Mike who lied to my face I heard that man talking about me about my family members and why was I allowed to podcast on the subjects that led Mobile Media podcasts on when I confronted my and told him if anybody out there has a question about me they are more than welcome to come in here and talk to me he lied to my face and said nobody's talking about you I heard my brother's name and my name come out of his mouth it was funny the next day the hospital here in Boise made it a new policy that any ex-felon or current felon must be escorted from the building by police force if there's any attorneys out there please contact me thank you

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