Jesus hates Easter and those celebrating a moon goddess

1 year ago

Jesus hates Easter and all the pagan holidays, Easter, egg hunts, dying eggs, sunrise services, gross Easter food, the fake prayers, good Friday, palm Sunday, 40 days of lent, Ash Wednesday, ham, Easter bunny, mother day, father day, Halloween, Christmas, Christmas Eve are all pagan holidays, nimrod started all the pagan holidays in ancient Babylon and he was the one who built the tower of babel, he called his wife Ishtar a moon goddess and Tammuz was their son, nimrod was killed by shem and semeraias weeped for him and was called the queen of heaven, the ancient pagans loved Ishtar or isis and killed babies and used their blood on eggs and oh they got up at sunrise to honor the queen of heaven!! When you celebrate Easter you are celebrating a pagan moon goddess of sex called Ishtar!! The Israelites worshipped Ishtar, Molech, Tammuz and suffered God wrath!! Same today in these dead lukewarm phony churches, they care only about their man made churches and traditions and keep all the ancient Babylonian pagan holidays!! Like Ishtar, good Friday, Sunday worship, birthdays, Christmas or Satan Alia worship of Satan, Halloween, bring a dumb tree in, buy worthless gifts, go to church in Easter best and eat gross Easter food, dye eggs, act like God is ok with you celebrating a pagan moon goddess of sex!! God told the Israelites to not forsake Him and worship other pagan idols of Molech, Ishtar, Tammuz and He meant it, churches today are under God judgement and He is not happy at all!! These people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me!! To follow Jesus means to not celebrate pagan holidays period, that includes Easter, sunrise services, egg hunts, gross Ham, hot cross buns, deviled eggs, good Friday, palm Sunday, mother day, father day, Xmas Eve, Xmas day, 40 days of lent, valentine day, Jesus said come and follow Me and if anyone does not hate his mother, father, siblings and yes His own life he can't follow Me, Jesus is not a baby anymore He is the Lion of Judah and very angry!! He will spit all the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors out of His mouth cut down their worthless vines and throw them into the fire!! Jesus calls the lukewarm, wretched, pitiful, blind, naked and shameful and they really are!! Get out of the man made churches now!!! God will punish all who are in these dead lukewarm apostate churches and the pastors will pay!!

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