Ps 119 part 3 v17-24 "Open my eyes that I may see Great wonders in your law, O LORD." Tune: Walton

1 year ago

Psalm 119 verses 17 to 24.
Sing Psalms version
tune: Walton
Falkirk Free Church
image: Lawrie Cate, Open Torah scroll
This is the third section of psalm 119.
In the original Hebrew each stanza of this section begins with the letter gimel ×’.
This was from a service of worship. It is not a performance. There is some coughing.

PSALM 119 (3) L.M.

17 Do good to me and I will live;
Your servant will obey your word.
18 Open my eyes that I may see
Great wonders in your law, O LORD.

19 I am a stranger on the earth;
Do not hide your commands from me.
20 Consumed with longing is my soul,
Because your laws I yearn to see.

21 You have rebuked the insolent;
They’re cursed who from your precepts stray.
22 Remove from me contempt and scorn,
For all your statutes I obey.

23 Though rulers plot to harm my name,
I’ll meditate on your decree.
24 Your statutes are my great delight,
For they are counsellors to me.

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