☁BELOW█Cloud:Mie/Rayleigh „orbitals” can’t produce it|My own album but waters-above NOT my NOR „our”

1 year ago

Skies are NOT as chemical orbitals/„bubbles” !!!, because they contain HEBR. «ANAN» —»» clouds, as clearly presented by clear photographies here. They are more as life forms rather in #Nature, THAN any subatomic structures, chemistry quantum orbitals of electrons, etc. . No one can predict mini scale of Wind details, THUS colors of clouds next day. #skycentrism explains beauty of naturality (do not misconcept it with wild naturalism Marx, & atheists' doctrines). YOU CAN'T HAVE EQUATION OF WIND AS SHAMAYIM WISDOM RELEASED – IN DOCTRINE. I am not able to predict it, &THEY ARE LYING YOU ABOUT #TROPOSPHERE, even forecast have been manipulated in important points. »OSEH MALAHAV RUCHOT« – forces of displacing the clouds 're described in Bible. The terms like „chaotic”, „strange attractor”, „stochastic processes” was certainly invented in disorder to try to exchange roles of man and Creator (HaShem, exegesis is in another part of channel). Human megalomania, caused along with condemnation, arose but they are unhappy in REALITY from „A” to „Z”. Normality is possible / only in God, more precisely: BA YHWH. Don't use false gods.
Links-set to this video (but not limited to!!!!)
1. https://developer.nvidia.cn/gpugems/gpugems2/part-ii-shading-lighting-and-shadows/chapter-16-accurate-atmospheric-scattering
2. http://philiplaven.com/mieplot.htm
#IAMCREATED #intelligentprojecttheory #algorithmic #mie #scattering #computation #pink #multicolor #multicolour #geometrical #nature #geometry #calculus #algebra #NVIDIA #redshift #underlight #highlight #Copernican #examination #SC #evening #morning #photos #series #album #composition #scenery #cloudscape #keepitsimple #Rayleigh #heavens #skies #dramaticskies #evolution #game #cellular #automaton #automata #computer games #Strongs #Concordance #YHWH #lifeforms #awakening #wakeup #gameoflife #passuk #verse #demon #fallenangels #computerscience #hitech #simplification #lifeforce #concaveearth #HASHEM #God #godexists #morphology #studies #palette #colourful #wondersofnature #kodak #Copernican #Copernic #copernicus #englobed #absurdity #implications #raytracing #raymarching #lightpath #lightpropagation #atmosphere #atmospheric #effects #accurate #philosophies #myreligion #sky #academy #skycentrism #pointofview #Faith #system #methodology #particles #technology #technological #babel #babeltower #mutation #creation #forces #Kaballah #Spirit #spiritus #movens #terrain #precision #IT #computers #computertech #matrix #physics #integral #integration #numerical #polemics #debunk #debunked #debunking #watersabove #wetheppl #fundament #targeting #lighting #type #microcosmos #direction #orientation #catalog #photoalbum #collection #take

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