Responding to YouTube comments: Absolute despotism

1 year ago

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” The Declaration of Independence of 1776

In 1886 the proletariat went on strike to demand humane working conditions. Believing they should be working no longer than 8 hours daily.

The following is part of an interview by Albert R. Parsons printed in the Chicago Daily News, March 13, 1886 “The movement to reduce the work-hours is intended by its projectors to give a peaceful solution to the difficulties between the capitalists and laborers. I have always held that there were two ways to settle this trouble, either by peaceable means or violent methods. Reduced hours, or eight-hours, is the peace-offering. Fewer hours mean more pay. Reduced hours is the only measure of economic reform which consults the interests of the laborers as consumers. Now, this means a higher standard of living for the producers, which can only be acquired by possessing and consuming a larger share of their own product. This would diminish the profits of the labor exploiters.”

By 1912 the proletariat advocated for a five hour work day. “Of course the eight-hour day is as antiquated as the craft unions themselves. Today, we should be agitating for a five-hour work day, or six at the most, but the IWW, I presume, has taken up the eight-hour cause on the principle that we must not get too far away from those we wish to influence or our labors are wasted.” The Eight-Hour Strike of 1886 by Lucy E. Parsons.

As early as 1929 the proletariat could justify agitating for a work day no longer than 3 hours. It was statistically proven in 1929 that the proletariat should only be working 3 hours a day or less. “It can be statistically proven that three hours’ work a day, at most, is sufficient to feed, shelter, and clothe the world and supply it not only with necessities but also with all modern comforts of life. The point is that not one man in five is to-day doing any productive work. The entire world is supported by a small minority of toilers.” What is communist anarchism by Alexander Berkman.

Nearly a hundred years ago the proletariat should have seen a 70% reduction of the hours of their daily toil. This reality is intentional ignored, the government is attempting to domesticate the proletariat. This reality proves that Capitalism is attempting to reduce us into absolute despotism. We, as patriots of a free country, have a duty to hold governments accountable when they become oppressive of our rights and the rights of our brothers and sisters.

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