The Hope Hotline | S01-E17 | 03-15-23

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Question #1
When I’m praying in tongues, I have a hard time not getting distracted! My mind wonders everywhere. Should I be thinking about what I’m praying about or not thinking about anything?

Question #2
I have a family member who is gay. We have a hard relationship as we obviously don’t see eye to eye on Biblical values. How do you overcome a relationship like this without feeling like you are pushing Jesus and the Bible onto them yet not being accommodating to just keep the peace? Ignore their values and go on or continue to try to get them to believe?

Question #3
Getting a boob job....sin or not a sin? Sincerely all the previous breastfeeding mamas.

Question #4
This is a bit of a strange question. Ever since my son’s freak accident and death, 30 plus years ago, I can’t remember any more dreams; feel like I have a mental block. I had lost faith in God, but am watching your husband’s service every Sunday. I still feel like I can’t quite connect. Am I still angry at God or why am I struggling. I do read the Bible every day.

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