ManTFup Podcast - Episode 28

2 years ago

Season 2 is underway and KimmyB and Lenny are back in the ManCave with more thought provoking conversations, including this weeks podcast with activist, advocate, and world renowned drag queen Misty Eyez Alicea.

We asked Misty to come on the ManTFUp podcast for multiple reasons the first and foremost being representation; you can’t have insightful, well-rounded & truthful discussion on difficult issues that are impacting marginalized communities without a member of that community present to add a real and credible perspective to the conversation. So with that said, Misty is here to answer our questions and address and dispel as many of the falsities and mis-conceptions (many of which are extremely negative and hurtful) that have been perpetuated throughout the ages surrounding and regarding the Transgender community. As an advocate and activist heavily involved in the LGBTQIA+ community Misty breaks down what it is to be “trans”, not only from a societal and cultural perspective but also medically and biologically. We also go pretty deep into the current issues and fights facing the lgbtqia+ community with a focus on the increasing number of legislative attacks on trans youth & the transgender community as a whole here in Florida and around the nation.

Misty’s journey is one of trials and triumphs, breakdowns and breakthroughs, tests and an incredible testimony. Whether you’re an ally or an adversary, and we know there will be both and everything in between, it will be difficult to hear her story and not admit that it’s a quintessential example of How to…#ManTFUp!!!

Hope you’re ready to do the same…

As always you can find the ManTFup Podcast on all streaming platforms and on our website at! Don't forget to subscribe and follow us!


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