#195 Dre Baldwin: Basketball to Goal Achiever Coach| Joey Pinz Discipline Conversations #shorts

1 year ago

#195 Dre Baldwin: Basketball to Goal Achiever Coach| Joey Pinz Discipline Conversations

As CEO and Founder of Work On Your Game Inc., Dre Baldwin has given 4 TEDx Talks on Discipline, Confidence, Mental Toughness & Personal Initiative and has authored 33 books. He has appeared in national campaigns with Nike, Finish Line, Wendy's, Gatorade, Buick, Wilson Sports, STASH Investments and DIME magazine.

Dre has published over 8,000 videos to 140,000+ subscribers, his content being viewed over 100 million times.

Dre's daily Work On Your Game Podcast has over 2,500 episodes and more than 5 million downloads.

In just 5 years, Dre went from the end of his high school team's bench to a 9-year professional basketball career. He played in 8 countries including Lithuania, Germany, Montenegro, Slovakia and Germany.

Dre invented his Work On Your Game framework as a "roadmap in reverse" to help professionals with mindset, strategy, accountability and execution.

A Philadelphia native, Dre lives in Miami.

Episode Links:
Web: https://workonyourgame.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/dreupt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drebaldwin/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorkOnYourGame
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dreallday/
PodCast: https://www.workonyourgamepodcast.com/real-conversation-so-you-can-sharpen-your-game-avoid-sugarcoated-motivational-bullshit-that-feels-good-but-doesn-t-actually-help-you
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/DreAllDay
Web: http://DreAllDay.com
And Dre's text number to get his FREE #DailyMotivation text 📲: 1.305.384.6894

Joey Pinz Conversations Podcast Information:
• Website: https://www.joeypinz.com
• Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/joeypinz
• Music by Tom Izzo: @wahlsinger https://tomizzomusic.com

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